The judges for the Frank R. Paul Awards are pleased to announce the nominees for 2024:
2024 FRANK R. PAUL AWARDS (for 2023 calendar year)
Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance; Cover Art by Pawel Dabrowski
Where Peace Is Lost; Cover Art by Serena Malyon
Year’s Top Hard Science Fiction Stories, Number 7; Cover Art by Maurizio Manzieri
Through the Storm, TransDimensional Hunter Book 2; Cover Art by Kurt Miller
Lineage, Ravages of Honor, Book 3; Cover Art by Kurt Miller
Last Dragoners of Bowbazar; Cover Art by Tran Nguyen
The Surviving Sky, the Rages Trilogy Book 1; Cover Art by Leo Nicholls
The Firelighters; Cover Art by Tan Ho Sin
The Last Day and the First; Cover Art by Tomislav Tikulin
Mystery Murder Madness Mythos; Cover Art by Tomislav Tikulin
Unbreakable; Cover Art by Julie Dillon
Starter Villain; Cover Art by Tristan Elwell
Untethered Sky; Cover Art by Jaime Jones
Bookshops & Bonedust; Art by Carson Lowmiller
The Pomegranate Gate; Cover Art by Serena Malyon
Thermopylae Protocol, The Gordian Division Book 6; Cover Art by Kurt Miller
Brainwyrms; Cover Art by David Vincent Palumbo
Garro: Knight of Grey; The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra; Cover Art by Neil Roberts
NOTE: The rules state that no artist can have more than 2 nominations; 3 Kurt Miller pieces scored highly enough to be nominated, so the lowest scoring was moved to the Honorable Mention listing.
Clarkesworld 201, June 2023; Cover Art by Pascal Blanche
Uncanny, May-June 2023; Cover Art by Antonio Javier Caparo
Clarkesworld 205, Oct 2023; Cover Art by DOFRESH
Uncanny, Sept-Oct 2023; Cover Art by Grace Fong
Clarkesworld 202, July 2023; Cover Art by Sergio Rebolledo
Fiyah 25, Winter 2023; Cover Art by Raki Sy
Analog, Sept-Oct 2023; Cover Art by Tomislav Tikulin
Analog, May June 2023; Cover Art by Eldar Zakirov
Asimov’s, July Aug 2023; Cover Art by Eldar Zakirov
F&SF, Nov-Dec 2023; Cover Art by Alan M. Clark
Asimov’s, March-April 2023; Cover Art by Dominic Harman
F&SF, Jan-Feb 2023; Cover Art by Kent Bash
Star*Line, Vol. 46, Issue 1, Winter 2023; Cover Art by Austin Arthur Hart
Prehistoric Times, Spring 2023; Cover Art by Kurt Miller
Analog, Jan-Feb 2023; Cover Art by Tomislav Tikulin
NOTE: AI-generated images and art from stock image companies (or derivatives thereof) are ineligible; three covers (Asimov’s, Jan-Feb, 2023; Asimov’s, May-June 2023; and Galaxy’s Edge, May 2023) scored highly enough to be nominated but were disqualified on these grounds.
Please see the award website: for more information and instructions on how to submit work for consideration for next year’s awards (for the 2024 calendar year).
The judges and administrators, who thank the Buffalo NASFiC for sponsoring this year’s awards, are: Frank Wu, Brianna Wu, Linda Pierce, Alan F. Beck, Jannie Shea, and Bill Engle (FRP’s grandson).
The awards will be presented at NASFiC and will include both a trophy (featuring a 3D print of the “Tiger-bot” smashing a car, from FRP’s cover for the September 1935 Wonder Stories), and an honorarium of $500.