A novella I co-wrote, “Communion”, is up for an Anlab award - an award for the best stories in Analog magazine last year (update, we won!)
This is HUGE for any science fiction writer. These kinds of awards are the building blocks of a career. You can read the story here: http://frankwu.com/Communion9.html
If you liked it, and think it belongs on the best novellas of the year - You can vote for my story here: https://www.analogsf.com/analytical-laboratory-ballot/
Voting is free, and gets you entered into a contest to win a free subscription to Analog. You’ll be supporting one of the most important institutions in sci-fi.
Thank you, everyone. This story means a lot to me - it’s the first time I ever had a cover story! And special thanks to Trevor Quachri and Emily Hockaday, editor and managing editor of Analog, for believing in my work!